Kettledrummers came into being in the sixteenth centry having been introduced by King Henry VIII, who had seen them used by the King of France's retinue of Guards.
With the establishement of the modern British army after the restoration of Charles II, every troop in each Regiment of Horse or Dragoons had its standard or Guidon, but only a few elete orps were granted kettledrums ond banners. The first unit to receive such a privilege under Charles II was the 1st (or King's) troop of the Lifeguards, followed shortly by the 2nd (or Queens) troop. Around 1686 kettledrums were granted to the Heavy Regiments of Horse, namely the Royal Horse guards (the Blues) and King's Dragoon Guard.
The cost of providing these expensive banners and kettledrums, had to be met by the commanding officers (Colonels) of the regiments concerned, who were granted an annual clothing allowance to cover such contingencies.
By 1715 all Regiments of Horse possessed their own Kettledrummer, but the Light Cavalry did not receive them until the end of the 18th century when they became universal for all cavalry regiments. The 10th Hussars became the "Prince of Wales's own" in 1896. The Kettledrummer, of which, by 1900 there was only one per regiment, was used exclusively on parade. Occasionally, when the whole regiment was present, the kettledrummer, and other musicians would be grouped together in a mounted regimental band, under a Drum Major.