54mm Traditional Toy Soldiers


Toy Soldiers on Parade

Prince August

Traditional Toy Soldiers

Contains 3 moulds to cast 24 different types of 54mm Toy Soldiers both marching and at attention. Contains a variety of heads for different regiments etc. You will require 75g of metal per figure.

This kit has been designed so a large number of regiments can be produced from one kit. Four heads are supplied with the headdresses neccessary to make many different regiments. Three styles of arms are supplied so as to make soldiers marching or standing at attention and an officer with a sword.

Tools to make the moulds, your castings will come out in these shapes.

The tools above are arranged in the approximate groupings to make the three moulds. The right hand two tools are the soldier standing to attention with an right hand arm with rifle and an officers sward and left arm. The middle two tools are a soldier walking and a right hand arm and an arm holding an officer's sward. The Right tool contains four heads as to fit either a walking or standing soldier.

British Grenadiers Colour Party

Prince August
British Grenadiers Colour Party

British Grenadiers Colour Party to be used with kit Toy Soldiers on Parade. These 3 moulds enable you to cast standard bearers, saluting soldiers and saluting officers. You will require 75g of metal per figure.

Tools to make the moulds

The left hand two tools contain a standard bearer walking and three arms, holding a scabbard, to attention and holding a sward. The right-hand two tools contain a standard bearer standing to attention with a detached left arm. The other tool in the mould contans two arms - one holding a standard and one a rifle.

Each mould in this kit contains several parts. Right and left arms which go together are attached to the same ingate.

Band Instruments No. 1

Prince August
To be used with kit Toy Soldiers on Parade. Will produce various instruments to complete your band: Trombone, Cymbals, French Horn, Clarinets, Saxophone and Bandmaster accessories. Metal quantity varies.

Tools to make the moulds, Horn, Clarinet & Trombone.

Tools to make the moulds, Bandmasters staff & sholder pieces, Cymbals & Saxophone

Band Instruments No. 2

Prince August

To be used with kit Toy Soldiers on Parade. Will produce various instruments to complete your band: Fluatists, Side and Bass drummers, large and small bass. Metal quantity varies.

Tools to make the mould, Side drum, small bass.

Tools to make the mould, bass drum

Trumpet, flute, large bass

Lancer on Standing Horse

Prince August

Lancer on Standing HorseMoulds to produce illustrated item.


10th Royal Hussar on Walking Horse

Prince August
10th Royal Hussar on Walking HorseMoulds to produce illustrated item.

Dragoons Lifeguards and accessories

Prince August

Dragoons Lifeguards and accessoriesMoulds to produce illustrated item.

10th Royal Hussars Kettle Drummer

Prince August
10th Royal Hussars Kettle DrummerMoulds to produce illustrated item.

42nd Highland Regt.

Prince August
42nd Highland Regt. Moulds to produce illustrated item.

Contains 3 moulds to cast the illustrated figures. You will require 80g of metal per figure. Full painting instructions included.

42nd Highlanders Colour party

Prince August

42nd Highlanders Colour partyMoulds to produce illustrated item.

54mm Officer, Ensign and Colour Sergeant

30th Royal Lancer (Gordons Troop)

Prince August

30th Royal Lancer (Gordons Troop)Three Moulds to produce illustrated item. You will require 250g of metal per figure.


30th Royal Lancers

Prince August

Mounted Officer  - 30th Royal Lancers (Gordons Troop) Mounted Trumpeter - 30th Royal Lancers (Gordons Troop) Dismounted Cavalryman - 30th Royal Lancers (Gordons Troop)

Moulds to produce Mounted Trumpeter, Mounted Officer and Dismounted Cavalryman. Horse mould not included